Thursday, December 19, 2013

Chicago Style Citiations

Chicago Style

Use Chicago style for citations for your project.  If you have any questions please see me!! This will be the citation style you use for this course.

Chicago Style

Chicago Style

Use Chicago style for citations for your project.  If you have any questions please see me!! This will be the citation style you use for this course.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Prosperity of 1920's Homework

Economic Changes 1920's

Use these notes along with pages 628- 633 in your text to answer the questions in your packet.  These are due in class on Tuesday.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

World War I Jeopardy Review Game

Here is the link to the Jeopardy Game, play it with a group or on your own - it will be helpful for the test!

Please email me any questions you might have.

Jeopardy Review WWI

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Study Guide for WWI Test

Study Guide for WWI test

The test will either be Friday or Monday - I want to go over why the US did not join the League of Nations and have time for a jeopardy game as well as an in-class study guide day.  I will know for sure by the end of class on Wednesday, but wanted you to get a preview of what I am testing on.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Walden Woods Essay Project Contest

The Walden Woods Project holds an essay contest for high school students each year.  The deadline is November 15th and you can get the details via this link.

Walden Essay Contest

The essay prompt is "How do you make a difference?" and your essay has to be 500 words or less.

If you choose to do this let me know and we can arrange extra credit.
I am also happy to help with looking over your essay.

After the Spanish American War

Attached is the link for class notes for today.

After the Spanish American War

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Homework October 3rd

watch the video on Progressives and do a 3-2-1 sheet.

Progressives and Teddy Roosevelt

Write down....

3 Interesting things

2 things I learned

1 question you still have

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Chicago Style Citation Examples

Chicago Style

Use Chicago style for citations for your project.  If you have any questions please see me!! This will be the citation style you use for this course.

Writing Assignment due on Tuesday 10/1 CHANGE IN DATE!!!

Choose ONE of the following writing assignments for your chapter 15 assessment.  It is due on Tuesday, October 1st. PLEASE come see me for help with organizing, outlining, etc.

Writing Assignment

Below is the link to the rubric.  Please see me if you have any questions!


Monday, September 23, 2013

Immigration/Political Machine assessment

Choose ONE of the following writing assignments for your chapter 15 assessment.  It is due on Friday. PLEASE come see me for help with organizing, outlining, etc.

Writing Assignment

Below is the link to the rubric.  Please see me if you have any questions!


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Homework 9/18 -- Rapid Urbanization and its problems

Below you will find a link to a video on urbanization and the problems in the cities.  Watch the link and then complete a 3-2-1 sheet.

Problems of rapid urbanization

If you do not have a 3-2-1 sheet, all you have to do is write down 3 things you discovered, 2 interesting things and 1 question you still have.

There is also a transcript that accompanies the video if you want to look that over as well.  This corresponds with Chapter 15 section 2 in your textbook.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Study Guide for Test on Monday, Sept. 16

Below you will find the link to the study guide for our first test!

The Test will be on Monday, Sept. 16th....I usually do NOT do tests on Mondays - so going forward I will do my best not to have a test on Monday again.

You will have time in class on Friday to work on the study guide, go over the guide and ask me any questions!

The short answers will be questions that you will need to support.

I am positive you will all do well!!!! Please email me if you have any questions!!!!!

Here is the link to the industrialization and labor notes...

Labor Unions

19th century Industrialists/Recipe for Success

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

9/11 article and questions for class

NY Times article on attacks from 9/12/2001

Read and discuss "Hijacked Jets Destroy Twin Towers and Hit Pentagon," focusing on the following questions: 

a. What timeline of events is detailed in this article with regards to the terrorist acts that occurred in the eastern United States on September 11, 2001? 
b. How did New York leaders respond to the attacks? 
c. How did President Bush and other United States officials respond? 
d. How did people in other countries respond? 
e. Why are the attacks being compared to the bombing of Pearl Harbor? 
f. What witness accounts are offered? How do their voices impact this article? 
g. How was the infrastructure of New York City affected by the attacks? 
h. What is still not known about the terrorist attacks?

Monday, September 9, 2013

Slides from class 9/9....other info

Recipe for Success 19th Century Style

Also -- another great resource for photos - especially of child worker is the work Lewis Hines.

19th Century work conditions link/Homework Sept. 9th

Here is the link to the photographs of the 19th century working conditions.  Pick one of the photos that you find interesting.

19th Century Work Conditions Photo

Here are the questions you will be answering -- You can complete it digitally or written.  This homework is worth 20 points.  Be prepared to share some of your thoughts in class tomorrow.

Analyzing a photo

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Homework for 9/5 and 3-2-1 digital sheet

Read pages 447- 450 ...STOP at Labor Unions emerge in the middle of the page.  Complete the 3-2-1 chart. There is a link to a digital copy that you can email me or you can fill out the paper copy you received in class.

3-2-1 Chart

Here is the link for the class notes we went over today:

Effects of the Railroads

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Class Day 2

Thank you period 3 for a great discussion of modern day inventions. You answers showed thought and insight.

On Thursday we will delve more into the late 19th century inventions you wrote about today and look at the impact of the RR's.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Welcome Back!

Class Overview

Welcome Back!  Tonight for homework you need to read pages 436-439 and complete your 3-2-1 note sheet.

Tomorrow come to class prepared to discuss the short and long term effects you think the Industrial Revolution had on our nation.

Think about:
Which invention made the greatest impact?
Work forces needs and changes
Landscape changes
Different migrations

The above will be the concepts we will touch upon in class tomorrow.